Saturday 10 March 2012

"Must Watch Video"

salam alaik wbt.
Have you ever heard about sheikh Yasir Qadhi?

(If you don't)
I'll tell you a bit about him. His full name is Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi. He was born in America to a parents of Pakistan origin. He is like a glistening star raised in darkness of american civilization. (continue) He completed a bachelor in engineering from Univ of Houston before further graduated as an Islamic Studies scholar in Univ of Madinah.

(If you know him)
Let me know the truth about him. Then you may proceed to the video.

p/s: Kalau tak ada masa nak tengok video ini sekarang, tolonglah copy link video ini dulu dan save kemudian baru close tab. Bila ada masa lapang nanti rajin-rajinlah tengok.

p/s: Nanti kalau aku macam tak nampak tujuan hidup, tolong ingatkan aku balik.


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